Anime & manga
20 seiki shônen - Ujiko Ujio sakuhinshû (2009)
20th century boys - Spin off (2009)
Ace Attorney - Investigations (2009)
After School Charisma (2009)
Afterschool Charisma (2009)
Akaboshi (2009)
Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden (2009)
Akatsuki no Yona (2009)
Aku no Hana (2009)
Alice au pays des merveilles (2009)
Alice au royaume de Trèfle (2009)
Alice in the Country of Clover - Cheshire Cat Waltz (2009)
Alice in Wonderland (2009)
All Rounder Meguru (2009)
Amanchu! (2009)
Ame Nochi Hare (2009)
Amnesia (2009)
Amnesia Kidz (2009)
Amour de Bentô [Un] (2009)
Anedoki (2009)
Animal Kingdom (2009)
Ao Kishi - Tetsuwan Atom Ao Kishi yori (2009)
Ao no Futsumashi (2009)
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio (2009)
Arago (2009)
Arago - London Shikei Tokushu Hanzai Sôsakan (2009)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel (2009)
Ashimeshi (2009)
Assistante mangaka - le blog (2009)
Astroboy - La légende du chevalier Azur (2009)
Attack on Titan (2009)
Aube d'Arcana [L'] (2009)
Baby-sitters (2009)
Bamora! (2009)
Barakamon (2009)
Beauty and the devil (2009)
Beelzebub (2009)
Berry Dynamite (2009)
Black paradox (2009)
Blood Blockade Battlefront (2009)
Blood Lad (2009)
Bloody Prince (2009)
Blossom Boys Tribute (2009)
Blue (2009)
Blue Exorcist (2009)
Blue Magic Exorcist [The] (2009)
Boing Boing (2009)
Btooom! (2009)
Bungaku Shôjo to Shinitagari no Pierrot (2009)
Buster Keel (2009)
Carré de ciel bleu [Un] (2009)
Choco-pa! (2009)
Choco-Pa! - Service compris (2009)
Clear Up After Rain (2009)
Clench-Open (2009)
Clover no Kuni no Alice - Cheshire Neko to Waltz (2009)
Coeurs à coeurs (2009)
Cosplay Cops (2009)
Cosplay Deka (2009)
Daily Lives of High School Boys (2009)
Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge (2009)
Danshi Kôkôsei no Nichijô (2009)
Dark Rabbit (2009)
Dawn of the Arcana (2009)
Defense Devil (2009)
Devil of Victory [The] (2009)
Devils and Realist (2009)
Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan [The] (2009)
Disparition de Yuki Nagato [La] (2009)
Dôbutsu no Kuni (2009)
Dragon Ball Kai (2009 - 2011)
Drifters (2009)
Dusk maiden of Amnesia (2009)
Engaged to the Unidentified (2009)
Fleurs du mal [Les] (2009)
Flowers of Evil [The] (2009)
Gakuen Babysitters (2009)
Galaxy Warring State Chronicles (2009)
Gamaran (2009)
GE - Good Ending (2009)
Gengaku Picasso (2009)
Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex (2009)
Ginga Sengoku Gunyûden Rai (2009)
Gingitsune (2009)
Good Ending (2009)
GTO - Shonan 14 Days (2009)
Gyakuten Kenji (2009)
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e Memorial Tribute (2009)
Hapi Mari (2009)
Happy Marriage (2009)
Happy Science (2009)
Hatsukoi Lunch Box (2009)
Hell Prince - Devils and Realist (2009)
Her Idol Boy (2009)
Heroman (2009)
Hiiro Ôji (2009)
Hiiro Ouji (2009)
Hishoka Drop - Bangaihen - Mix (2009)
Hishoka Drop Mix (2009)
Hôkago no Charisma (2009)
Honey Colored Devil (2009)
How Good was I ? (2009)
I am a Hero (2009)
I don't Like you at all, Big Brother! (2009)
Inu x Boku Secret Service (2009)
Inu x Boku SS (2009)
Iris Zero (2009)
Isuca (2009)
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi (2009)
Jisatsutô (2009)
Joô Bachi (2009)
Jormungand (2006 - 2012)
Joshiraku (2009)
Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru (2009)
Kansokusha Tamami (2009)
Kanuchi (2009)
Kekkai Sensen (2009)
Kill Me Baby (2009)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (2009)
Knights of Sidonia (2009)
Kôkaku Kidôtai - Stand Alone Complex (2009)
Kokkoku (2009)
Kokoro Botan (2009)
Kokoro Button (2009)
Kuroko's basket (2009)
Kuroko no Basuke (2009)
Kuroko's basket (2009)
Kyôkai no Rinne (2009)
Laissée pour comte (2009)
Île infernale [L'] (2009)
Lineage Saga (2009)
Little Busters (2008 - 2010)
Lost Paradise (2009)
Love Button (2009)
Love mission (2009)
Love so life (2009)
Lovely Love Lie (2009)
Lucika Lucika (2009)
Ma petite soeur ne peut pas être aussi mignonne (2009)
Magi (2009)
Magi - The Labyrinth of Magic (2009)
Majyo Rin (2009)
Majyo Rin - Witch dating (2009)
Makai Ôji - Devils and Realist (2009)
Mangari Michi (2009)
Medaka Box (2009)
Migawari Hakushaku no Bôken (2009)
Mikakunin de Shinkôkei (2009)
Mikakunin de Shinkoukei (2009)
Minamoto Hakase no Ijô na xx (2009)
Minamoto Hiroshi no Ijou na xx (2009)
Mishônen Produce (2009)
Mishounen Produce (2009)
Missions of Love (2009)
Mitsuiro Devil (2009)
MM! (2009)
Monochrome Animals (2009)
Monokuro Shônen Shôjo (2009)
Morita-san wa Mukuchi (2009)
Motto Yanyaka Sanpo (2009)
Mushibugyô (2009)
Mushibugyou (2009)
Musunde Hiraite (2009)
My Little Sister can't be this cute (2009)
Nagato Yuki-chan no Shôshitsu (2009)
Namida Usagi (2009)
Namida Usagi - Seifuku no Kataomoi (2009)
Nanja Monja (2009)
Natsuyuki Rendez-vous (2009 - 2011)
Natsuyuki Rendezvous (2009 - 2011)
New Prince of Tennis [The] (2009)
Next to you (2009)
Nobunaga Concerto (2009)
Nobunaga Kyôsôkyoku (2009)
Nobunaga Kyousoukyoku (2009)
Non Non Biyori (2009)
Nonnonbâ (2009)
Nonnonba (2009)
Nonnonbâ to Ore (2009)
Nouveau prince de tennis [Le] (2009)
Nozoki Ana (2009)
Nozokiana (2009)
Obaka-chan (2009)
Obaka-chan - Koigatariki (2009)
Ôji to Majô to Himegimi to (2009)
Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! (2009)
Ooku (2009)
Ooku - The inner chamber (2009)
Ore no Imôto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (2009)
Ouji to Majou to Himegimi to (2009)
Parmi eux Tribute (2009)
Pavillon des hommes [Le] (2009)
Peephole [A] (2009)
Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom (2009)
Prince, la sorcière et les princesses [Le] (2009)
Princess and the Frog [The] (2009)
Princess Lucia (2009)
Princess Nightmare (2009)
Princesse et la grenouille [La] (2009)
Princesse Sakura (2009)
Prunus Girl (2009)
Psychic Detective Yakumo (2009)
Purinsesu to Mahô no Kisu Komikkusu (2009)
Purinsesu to Mahou no Kisu Komikkusu (2009)
Q and A (2009)
Rai (2009)
Rakiya (2009)
Re Birth - The Lunatic Taker (2009)
Re Birth - The Lunatic Taker (2009)
Reimei no Arcana (2009)
Rendez-vous sous la pluie (2009)
Returners (2009)
Returners - Aka no Kikansha (2009)
Reversible Man (2009)
Rinne (2009)
Rinne of the Boundary (2009)
Ryushika Ryushika (2009)
Ryuushika Ryuushika (2009)
Sacred Blacksmith [The] (2009)
Saiyuki Reload Blast (2009)
Sakura Hime Kaden (2009)
Sakura Princess Legend (2009)
Sankarea (2009)
Sayonara Watashitachi (2009)
Searching for Love, Miss Fool? (2009)
Secret'R - en RTT (2009)
Secret'R heures supp (2009)
Secret Service - Maison de Ayakashi (2009)
Secretarial Section Mix (2009)
Secretarial Section Mix (2009)
Seiken no Blacksmith (2009)
Seiken no Katanakaji (2009)
Seirei Produce (2009)
Seiyû Ka (2009)
Seiyuka (2009)
Senjô no Valkyria - Wish Your Smile (2009)
She Loves Lying Too Much (2009)
Shin Tennis no Ôjisama (2009)
Shingeki no Kyojin (2009)
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo (2009)
Shitsurakuen (2009)
Shojo Relook (2009)
Shôri no Akuma (2009)
Shôri no Akuma - Le diable de la victoire (2009)
Sidonia no Kishi (2009)
Softenni (2009)
Sôgiya Riddle (2009)
Sorairo Square (2009)
Souvenir de demain (2009)
Spirit Produce (2009)
Sprite (2009)
Stardust Wink (2009)
Substitute Count Adventure [The] (2009)
Suicide Island (2009)
Summer War - King Kazuma vs Queen Ozu (2009)
Summer wars (2009)
Superior Cross (2009)
Taihen Yokudekimashita? (2009)
Tamami Observer (2009)
Tamami - The observer (2009)
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia (2009)
Tayu Tayu (2009)
Tengoku no Shima (2009)
Thermae Romae (2009)
Tonari no Atashi (2009)
Tora et Ookami (2009)
Tora to Ôkami (2009)
Tora to Ookami (2009)
Triage X (2009)
Turnabout Prosecutor (2009)
Undead (2009)
Undertaker Riddle (2009)
Upotte!! (2009)
Valkyria Chronicles - Wish your smile (2009)
Vamos lá! (2009)
Vampire Queen Bee (2009)
Vanilla Star (2009)
Venus ni Arazu (2009)
Watashi ni xx Shinasai! (2009)
Yanaka - Histoires de chats (2009)
Yanyaka Sanpo (2009)
Yôko x Boku SS (2009)
Yona of the Dawn (2009)
Yona, Princesse de l'Aube (2009)
Youko x Boku SS (2009)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (2009)
Yuruyuri (2009)
Yuyushiki (2009)
Zelda no Densetsu - Mugen no Sunadokei (2009)
Zelda - Phantom of Hourglass (2009)
Zennô no Noa - The World of Lost Memories (2009)