Anime & manga
B't X (2000)
B.B Explosion (1997 - 1999)
B Complex (2006)
B Gata H Kei (2004)
B Men Kazoku (2004)
B Shock! (1999 - 2002)
B Wanted (1999)
B't X (2000)
B.O.D.Y. (2004)
Babaroa Ehon (1996)
Babe my love (2002 - 2004)
Baby and me (1992)
Baby Birth (2001)
Baby Love (1995 - 1999)
Baby Pink Kiss (2002)
Baby Pop (1999)
Baby-sitters (2009)
Baby Steps (2207 - 2007)
Backstage Prince (2004)
Bad Boy Boogie (1987 - 1989)
Bad boy drinks tea! [A] (2007)
Bad Boy Yagami (2016)
Bad Company (1996)
Bad luck witch (2011)
Bad Teacher (1993)
Bad Teacher's Equation (1993)
Baka to Gogh (2000)
Bakabon le génie (1967)
Bakabon the Genius (1967)
Bakegyamon (2006)
Bakemonogatari (2018)
Baki (1999 - 2005)
Baki Gaiden - Scarface (2005)
Baki son of ogre (2006)
Baki The Grappler (1991 - 1999)
Bakkotsu Shoujo Giri Giri Purin (1996)
Bakufu Slash! Kizna (2005)
Bakuman (2008)
Bakune Young (1995)
Bakuon!! (2011)
Bakuon Rettô (2002)
Bakuretsu Hunters (1993 - 1998)
Bakuretsu Tenshi - Angel's Adolescence (2004)
Bakuretsu Utahime 21 (2001)
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade (2000)
Ballad Made Soba ni Ite (1989)
Ballad of a Shinigami (2005 - 2007)
Ballad Opera (2017)
Ballade d'un shinigami [La] (2005 - 2007)
Ballroom e Yôkoso (2011)
Bambi (1998)
Bambi and her pink gun (1998)
Bamboo Blade (2005)
Bamora! (2009)
Banale à tout prix (2015)
Banana Fish (1985 - 1994)
Bang's Sexplosion (1999)
Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume (1997)
Baoh (1984 - 1985)
Baoh Raihousha (1984 - 1985)
Baptism (1984)
Bar limelight (1998)
Bara Monogatari (1979)
Bara no Josephine (2011)
Bara no Tame ni (1992)
Bara to Sumire to (2003)
Bara no Tame ni (1992)
Bara to Ôkami (2011)
Bara to Sumire to (2003)
Barabanba (1983 - 1984)
Barabanba 2 (1987)
Barairo my honey (2005 - 2006)
Barajô no Kiss (2008)
Barakamon (2009)
Barbara (1973 - 1974)
Barefoot Gen (1973 - 1974)
Baribari Densetsu (1983 - 1991)
Baribari Legend (1983 - 1991)
Baron Gong Battle (1998)
Baron - Neko no danshaku (2002)
Baron - The cat returns (2002)
Baroque Kishidan (2010)
Baroque Knights (2010)
Basara (1990 - 1998)
Baseball Heaven (2006)
Bashing Renai (1995)
Basilisk (2003)
Basilisk no Musume (1998)
Basshingu Renai (1995)
Bastard!! (1988 - 1989)
Bataille de Sekiheki [La] (2008)
Bathroom Fable (2000)
Bathroom Guwa (2000)
Batsu & Teri (1982 - 1987)
Battle Angel Alita (1990 - 1995)
Battle Angel Alita - Last Order (2000)
Battle Club (2004)
Battle Club 2nd Stage (2008)
Battle Game in 5 Seconds (2015)
Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting (2015)
Battle Royale (2000)
Battle Royale - Angel's Border (2011)
Battle Royale II - Blitz Royale (2003)
Battle Royale - Tenshitachi no Kokkyô (2011)
Battle Spirits (2008)
Battle Spirits - Shonen Toppa Version (2008)
Battle Vixens (2000)
Be Free! (1984)
Be loved (2013)
Be-Twin you & me (2016)
Be With You (2005)
Beach de Q (2004)
Beach Stars (2007)
Beach Stars [The] (2007)
Beast Harem (2006)
Beast Harem 2 (2007)
Beast Master (2007)
Beast of East (1998)
Beast of the Tower (2004)
Beast Player [The] (2008)
Beastars (2016)
Beat Shot! (1986 - 1989)
Beauty! (2004)
Beauty and the devil (2009)
Beauty Honey (2006)
Beauty is the beast (2002 - 2004)
Beauty Pop (2003)
Beauty! (2004)
Bébé et moi (1992)
Because I'm a Boy! (2003)
Because I'm the Goddess (2003)
Because you smile when I sing (1998)
Beck (2000)
Become a Flower! (1997)
Become the Wind! (1988)
Beelzebub (2009)
Beelzebub et autres histoires maléfiques (2003 - 2008)
Beelzebub-jô no Okinimesu Mama. (2015)
Beelzebub Maô Gaiden (2003 - 2008)
Beelzebub Maou Gaiden (2003 - 2008)
Beet the Vandel Buster (2002)
Believers (1999)
Beniiro Hero (2003)
Benkei in New York (1991 - 1996)
Bentensama ni wa Iwanaide (1998)
Berceau des esprits [Le] (2010)
Berry Dynamite (2009)
Berserk (1989)
Beside the Angel (1990)
Best skilled surgeon [The] (2007)
Between the Sheets (2003)
Beyblade (2000)
Beyblade Metal Fusion (2008)
Beyblade - Shogun steel (2012)
Beyond my touch (2003)
Beyond Scandalous Seiryo University (2005)
Beyond the Beyond (2004)
Beyond the Night (2003)
Bibide Babide Love (1991)
Bienvenue à la N.H.K. (2004)
Bienvenue au club (2011)
Bienvenue au palais de l'amour (2010)
Bienvenue au Wakusei Drops (2007)
Bienvenue au Gamurakan (2002)
Big Kid Blues (1984)
Big O (1999)
Big Order (2011)
Big Wing (1999 - 2005)
Big X (1963 - 1966)
Bijinzaka Girls' High School Returns! (2010)
Bijinzaka private girls' high school (2004)
Bijo ga Yaju (2002 - 2004)
Bikini! (2004)
Bikini no Reina Sensei (1998)
Bikinshin Densetsu Momo (2011)
Billion Girl (2001)
Billy Bat (2008)
Binbôgami ga! (2008)
Binbou Shimai Monogatari (2004)
Binbougami ga! (2008)
Binetsu Hime (2000)
Binetsu Kakumei (2000)
Binetsu Shojo (1999 - 2001)
Bio-Booster Armor Guyver [The] (1985)
Biohazard - Marhawa Desire (2012)
Biomega (2004)
Biorg Trinity (2012)
Birdman Anthology (1971 - 1975)
Birdman Rally (1990)
Birdy the Mighty (1996)
Birth (1998 - 2003)
Bishôjo Senshi Sailor Moon (1992 - 1997)
Bishonen no Oheya. (2006)
Bishop no Wa (1989)
Bitô Lollipop (2006)
Bitter Virgin (2006)
Bizzarian (1993)
Black Bard - Le ménestrel (2011)
Black Bird (2007)
Black x Blood (1995)
Black Bullet (2012)
Black Butler (2006)
Black butler (2006)
Black Cat (2000 - 2004)
Black Clover (2015)
Black God (2005)
Black Jack (1973 - 1983)
Black Jack - Doctor of Darkness (2006)
Black Jack - Kuroi Ishi (2006)
Black Jack - le médecin en noir (2006)
Black Jack Neo (2006)
Black Jack ni Yoroshiku (2002)
Black Joke (2008)
Black Knight (2003)
Black Lagoon (2002)
Black Lion (1978 - 1979)
Black Magic (1983)
Black paradox (2009)
Black Rock Shooter - Innocent Soul (2011)
Black Rock Shooter - The Game (2011)
Black Rose Alice (2008)
Black Steel (1996)
Black Torch (2016)
Black & White (1994)
Black x Blood (1995)
Blade of the Immortal (1994)
Blade of the Phantom Master (2001)
Blame! (1997)
Blanc Project (2002)
Blanca (1985)
Blanco (1996)
Blank Slate (2005)
Blaue Rosen (2006)
Blazer Drive (2008)
Bleach (2001)
Bless You (2017)
Blessures nocturnes (2005)
Bleu Indigo (1999 - 2005)
Blitz Royale (2003)
Blizzard Axel (2005)
Blood+ (2005)
Blood+ Adagio (2006)
Blood Alone (2005)
Blood Blockade Battlefront (2009)
Blood-C (2011)
Blood Hound (2003)
Blood Lad (2009)
Blood of Matools (1990)
Blood on the Tracks (2017)
Blood Rain (1999)
Blood - The Last Vampire 2002 (2001)
Blood+ Yako Joshi (2006)
Blood+ (2005)
Blood+ A (2006)
Blood+ Adagio (2006)
Bloody brat (2011)
Bloody Cross (2011)
Bloody Kiss (2006)
Bloody Maiden - L'île aux treize démons (2010)
Bloody Maiden - Toomarimiki no Shima (2010)
Bloody Monday (2007)
Bloody Prince (2009)
Bloom Into You (2015)
Blossom and Devil (2007)
Blossom Boys (1997)
Blossom Boys Tribute (2009)
Blow Angel Ruri (1999)
BLT Burning Love Twin (2006)
Blue (1997)
Blue (2009)
Blue (1997)
Blue (2009)
Blue (1997)
Blue (2009)
Blue-Blood Gear (2010)
Blue Dragon - Ral Grad (2007)
Blue Dragon - Secret Trick (2006)
Blue Dragon ST (2006)
Blue Drop (2006)
Blue Drop - Tenshi no Bokura (2007)
Blue Exorcist (2009)
Blue eyes (1996)
Blue Gender (2000)
Blue Girl [La] (2003)
Blue Heaven (2002)
Blue Hole (1991 - 1992)
Blue Inferior (1998)
Blue Magic Exorcist [The] (2009)
Blue Seed (1994)
Blue Sonnet (1981 - 1986)
Blue spring ride (2011)
Bluer than indigo (1999 - 2005)
Boarding School Juliet (2015)
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (2001)
Body (2004)
Body & Soul (2004)
Body Search (2014)
Body & Soul (2004)
Bogle (2002)
Boing Boing (2005)
Boing Boing (2009)
Boing Boing Teacher (2005)
Bôken Oh Beet (2002)
Boken Rubi (1969 - 1970)
Bokko (1992)
Boku dake ga Inai Machi (2012)
Boku dake no Ousama (2004)
Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa (2003)
Boku ga Utau to Kimi wa Waraukara (1998)
Boku no Giniro Hausu (1993 - 1994)
Boku to Issho (1998)
Boku Kara Kimi ga Kienai (2008)
Boku Kimi (2005)
Boku to Kimi no Aida ni (2004)
Boku no Koe (2004)
Boku No Marie (1994 - 1997)
Boku ni Natta Watashi (2005)
Boku ni Natta Watashi (2005)
Boku no Hatsukoi o Kimi ni Sasagu (2005)
Boku No Marie (1994 - 1997)
Boku no Seinen Kôkennin (2000)
Boku no Tame no Kimi to Kimi no Tame no Boku (2005)
Boku no Wagamama na Honey (2006)
Boku wa Ototo (1993 - 1994)
Boku no Platinum Lady (2005 - 2006)
Boku no Shotaiken (1975 - 1976)
Boku-tachi wa Benkyô ga Dekinai (2017)
Boku no Tama wo Mamotte (1987 - 1994)
Boku no Tame no Kimi to Kimi no Tame no Boku (2005)
Boku to Issho (1998)
Boku to Kimi no Aida ni (2004)
Boku to Majo no Jikan (2011)
Boku o Tsutsumu Tsuki no Hikari - Boku Tama Jisedai-hen (2005)
Boku wa Imôto ni Koi o Suru (2003)
Boku wa Kiss de Uso wo Tsuku (2008)
Boku wa Ôkami (2011)
Boku wa Ookami (2011)
Boku wa Ototo (1993 - 1994)
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (2010)
Boku no Wagamama na Honey (2006)
Bokuhane (2001)
BokuImo (2003)
Bokura ga Ita (2002)
Bokura no Henbyôshi (1995)
Bokura No Oukoku (2000)
Bokura no Unsei (2003)
Bokura wa Itsumo (2008)
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisô (2010)
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou (2010)
Bokurano (2004)
Bokurano - Notre enjeu (2004)
Bokurano - Our precious planet (2004)
Bokutachi wa Asu ni Mukatte Ikiru no da (2005)
Bokutachi wa Shitteshimatta (2007)
Bol plein de bonheur [Un] (2006)
Bomber Girl (2003)
Bondage Fairies (2000)
Bondz (2003)
Bonne nuit Punpun (2007)
Bonne Vie [La] (2014)
Boogiepop Dual (1999 - 2000)
Boogiepop Dual - Loser's Circus (1999 - 2000)
Boogiepop Dual - Makeinutachi no Circus (1999 - 2000)
Boogiepop never laughs (1999 - 2000)
Boogiepop wa warawanai (1999 - 2000)
Bookcase of Dantalian - Dalian Days [The] (2010)
Bookila ni Yoroshiku! (1985)
Booking life [The] (2003)
Border (1986 - 1989)
Bordure (1986 - 1989)
Boruto - Naruto Next Generations (2016)
Botchan no Jidai (1987)
Bouddha (1972 - 1983)
Bouken Shitemoii Goro (1986)
Boukyaku no Senritsu (2003)
Bound Beauty (2006)
Bouquet de fleurs rouges [Un] (2005)
Bout portant - Zero In [A] (2004)
Bow Wow Wata (2001)
Box of Spirits (2007)
Boy's Next Door (1997)
Boy Princess (2011)
Boy's Next Door (1997)
Boys' Kingdom (2000)
Boys' n Girl (1997 - 2000)
Boys Be (1991)
Boys Be L Coop (2000)
Boys Detective (2004)
Boys Este (2004)
Boys' n Girl (1997 - 2000)
Boys' Kingdom (2000)
Boys of Summer (2006)
Boys on the Run (2005)
Boys Over Flowers (1992)
Boys of Summer (2006)
Boys on the Run (2005)
Bra Bra Ban Ban (1999)
Brafman (2004)
Brain Powerd (1998)
Brain Powered (1998)
Brandoll (2002)
Brass Love! (2002)
Brave 10 (2007)
Brave 10 S (2011)
Brave 10 Spiral (2011)
Brave Story (2004)
Break Blade (2007)
Break Shot (1987)
Breath of Fire IV (2008)
Bremen (2000)
Bremen - les déjantés (2000)
Bride of Deimos (1975)
Bride of the death (2011)
Bride-sama is 16 Years Old (2008)
Bride Stories (2008)
Bride Stories (2008)
Brigadoon (2003)
Brilliant Blue (2004)
Brilliant Magic (2001)
Brilliant na Mahou (2001)
Broken Angels (2000)
Broken Blade (2007)
Bronze Angel (2004)
Bronze no Tenshi (2004)
Brother (1996)
Brother (2004)
Brother (1996)
Brother (2004)
Brother (1996)
Brother (2004)
Brothers (2000)
Brynhildr in the Darkness (2012)
Btooom! (2009)
Bucchigiri (1987 - 1989)
Buchou Shima Kosaku (1995)
Buddha (1972 - 1983)
Buddy Spirits (2011)
Bug, Eyeball, and Teddy Bear (2006)
Bukiyou na Silent (2006)
Bullet armors (2010)
Bungaku Shôjo to Shinitagari no Pierrot (2009)
Bungô Stray Dogs (2012)
Bungo Stray Dogs (2012)
Burai (1997)
Buratto Buradora (2011)
Burn Up! (1998)
Burn-Up Excess & W (1998)
Burn-Up Excess & W - Kobou no Kizuna (1998)
Burning Blood (1985 - 1991)
Burst Angel (2004)
Bus for Spring (2005 - 2007)
Bus Gamer (2001)
Bus Hashiru (2007)
Bus passe [Un] (2007)
Bus Takes You and Runs [The] (2007)
Bushin gikyoku (2003)
Business Commando Yamazaki (1992 - 2000)
Buso Renkin (2003)
Busô Shôjo Machiavellism (2014)
Bust to Bust - Chichi wa Chichi ni (2008)
Buster Keel (2009)
But I'm your teacher (2001)
Buta no Omochitsuki (1946)
Butsu Zone (1997)
Butterfly (2003)
Butterfly - Flower and Butterfly (2007)
Butterfly or Flower (2006)
Buzzer Beater (1996)
Bx (1999)
BxB Brothers (2001)
By the Sword (2000)