Anime & manga
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Titre original | Titre français | Années |
ao no rokugo 1998 Ao no Rokugo | blue submarine no.6 1998 Blue Submarine No.6 | 19982000rokugo 1998 - 2000 |
gate keepers 2000 Gate Keepers | gate keepers 2000 Gate Keepers | 20002000gate-keepers 2000 |
vandread 2000 Vandread | vandread 2000 Vandread | 20002001vandread 2000 - 2001 |
hellsing 2001 Hellsing | hellsing 2001 Hellsing | 20012002hellsing 2001 - 2002 |
vandread second stage 2001 Vandread second stage | vandread deuxième étape 2001 Vandread deuxième étape | 20012002vandread-second-stage 2001 - 2002 |
chojushin gravion 2002 Chojushin Gravion | gravion 2002 Gravion | 20022002chojushin-gravion 2002 |
full metal panic! 2002 Full Metal Panic! | full metal panic! 2002 Full Metal Panic! | 20022002full-metal-panic 2002 |
saishu heiki kanojo saikano 2002 Saishu Heiki Kanojo - Saikano | larme ultime 2002 Larme ultime | 20022002saishu-heiki-kanojo-saikano 2002 |
kiddy grade 2002 Kiddy Grade | kiddy grade 2002 Kiddy Grade | 20022003kiddy-grade 2002 - 2003 |
sentou yousei yukikaze 2002 Sentou Yousei Yukikaze | yukikaze 2002 Yukikaze | 20022005sentou-yousei-yukikaze 2002 - 2005 |
gadguard 2003 Gadguard | gadguard 2003 Gadguard | 20032003gadguard 2003 |
last exile 2003 Last Exile | last exile 2003 Last Exile | 20032003last-exile 2003 |
chrno crusade 2003 Chrno Crusade | chrno crusade 2003 Chrno Crusade | 20032004chrno-crusade 2003 - 2004 |
kaleido star 2003 Kaleido Star | kaleido star 2003 Kaleido Star | 20032004kaleido-star 2003 - 2004 |
peace maker kurogane 2003 Peace Maker Kurogane | peace maker kurogane 2003 Peace Maker Kurogane | 20032004peace-maker-kurogane 2003 - 2004 |
gankutsuou 2004 Gankutsuou | comte de monte cristo le 2004 Comte de Monte Cristo [Le] | 20042005gankutsuou 2004 - 2005 |
gantz 2004 Gantz | gantz 2004 Gantz | 20042005gantz 2004 - 2005 |
samurai 7 2004 Samurai 7 | samurai 7 2004 Samurai 7 | 20042005samurai 2004 - 2005 |
sunabozu 2004 Sunabozu | bonze du sable le 2004 Bonze du sable [Le] | 20042005sunabozu 2004 - 2005 |
basilisk kouga ninpou chou 2005 Basilisk - Kouga Ninpou Chou | basilisk le clan ninja kouga 2005 Basilisk - le clan ninja Kouga | 20052005basilisk-kouga-ninpou-chou 2005 |
speed grapher 2005 Speed Grapher | speed grapher 2005 Speed Grapher | 20052005speed-grapher 2005 |
transformer galaxy force 2005 Transformer Galaxy Force | transformer galaxy force 2005 Transformer Galaxy Force | 20052005transformer-galaxy-force 2005 |
trinity blood 2005 Trinity Blood | trinity blood 2005 Trinity Blood | 20052005trinity-blood 2005 |
black cat 2005 Black Cat | black cat 2005 Black Cat | 20052006black-cat 2005 - 2006 |
brave story 2006 Brave story | brave story 2006 Brave story | 20062006brave-story 2006 |
gin iro no kami no agito 2006 Gin-iro no kami no Agito | origine 2006 Origine | 20062006gin-iro-kami-agito 2006 |
nhk ni yokoso! 2006 NHK ni Yôkoso! | bienvenue a la nhk! 2006 Bienvenue à la NHK! | 20062006nhk-yokoso 2006 |
witch blade 2006 Witch Blade | witch blade 2006 Witch Blade | 20062006witch-blade 2006 |
pumpkin scissors 2006 Pumpkin Scissors | pumpkin scissors 2006 Pumpkin Scissors | 20062007pumpkin-scissors 2006 - 2007 |
red garden 2006 Red Garden | red garden 2006 Red Garden | 20062007red-garden 2006 - 2007 |
afro samurai 2007 Afro Samurai | afro samurai 2007 Afro Samurai | 20072007afro-samurai 2007 |
bokurano 2007 Bokurano | bokurano 2007 Bokurano | 20072007bokurano 2007 |
dead girls 2007 Dead Girls | dead girls 2007 Dead Girls | 20072007dead-girls 2007 |
getsumen to heiki mina 2007 Getsumen To Heiki Mina | getsumen to heiki mina 2007 Getsumen To Heiki Mina | 20072007getsumen-heiki-mina 2007 |
kaze no stigma 2007 Kaze no Stigma | kaze no stigma 2007 Kaze no Stigma | 20072007kaze-stigma 2007 |
kiddy grade ignition 2007 Kiddy Grade - Ignition | kiddy grade ignition 2007 Kiddy Grade - Ignition | 20072007kiddy-grade-ignition 2007 |
master of epic the animation age 2007 Master of Epic The Animation Age | master of epic the animation age 2007 Master of Epic The Animation Age | 20072007master-epic-the-animation-age 2007 |
romeo x juliet 2007 Romeo X Juliet | romeo x juliet 2007 Romeo X Juliet | 20072007romeo-juliet 2007 |
seto no hanayome 2007 Seto no Hanayome | seto no hanayome 2007 Seto no Hanayome | 20072007seto-hanayome 2007 |
strike witches 2007 Strike Witches | strike witches 2007 Strike Witches | 20072007strike-witches 2007 |
dragonaut the resonance 2007 Dragonaut the Resonance | dragonaut the resonance 2007 Dragonaut the Resonance | 20072008dragonaut-the-resonance 2007 - 2008 |
druaga no to the aegis of uruk 2008 Druaga no Tô - The Aegis of Uruk | tour de druaga la the aegis of uruk 2008 Tour de Druaga [La] - The Aegis of Uruk | 20082008druaga-the-aegis-uruk 2008 |
rosario to vampire 2008 Rosario to Vampire | rosario + vampire 2008 Rosario + Vampire | 20082008rosario-vampire 2008 |
rosario to vampire capu2 2008 Rosario to Vampire Capu2 | rosario to vampire capu2 2008 Rosario to Vampire Capu2 | 20082008rosario-vampire-capu2 2008 |
special a 2008 Special A | special a 2008 Special A | 20082008special 2008 |
strike witches 2008 Strike Witches | strike witches 2008 Strike Witches | 20082008strike-witches 2008 |
kurogane no linebarrels 2008 Kurogane no Linebarrels | linebarrels of iron 2008 Linebarrels of Iron | 20082009kurogane-linebarrels 2008 - 2009 |
seto no hanayome ova 2008 Seto no Hanayome OVA | seto no hanayome oav 2008 Seto no Hanayome OAV | 20082009seto-hanayome-ova 2008 - 2009 |
afro samurai resurrection 2009 Afro Samurai - Resurrection | afro samurai resurrection 2009 Afro Samurai - Resurrection | 20092009afro-samurai-resurrection 2009 |
druaga no to the sword of uruk 2009 Druaga no Tô - The Sword of Uruk | tour de druaga the le sabre d uruk 2009 Tour de Druaga [The] - Le sabre d'Uruk | 20092009druaga-the-sword-uruk 2009 |
saki 2009 Saki | saki 2009 Saki | 20092009saki 2009 |
shangri la 2009 Shangri La | shangri la 2009 Shangri La | 20092009shangri 2009 |
strike witches 2 2010 Strike Witches 2 | strike witches 2 2010 Strike Witches 2 | 20102010strike-witches 2010 |
nyanpire the animation 2011 Nyanpire The Animation | nyanpire the animation 2011 Nyanpire The Animation | 20112011nyanpire-the-animation 2011 |
last exile ginyoku no fam 2011 Last Exile - Ginyoku no Fam | last exile fam the silver wing 2011 Last Exile - Fam the Silver Wing | 20112012last-exile-ginyoku-fam 2011 - 2012 |
ozuma 2012 Ozuma | ozma 2012 Ozma | 20122012ozuma 2012 |
inu to hasami wa tsukaiyo 2013 Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyô | inuhasa 2013 InuHasa | 20132013inu-hasami-tsukaiyo 2013 |
kimi no iru machi 2013 Kimi no Iru Machi | kimi no iru machi 2013 Kimi no Iru Machi | 20132013kimi-iru-machi 2013 |
zettai boei leviathan 2013 Zettai Bôei Leviathan | zettai boei leviathan 2013 Zettai Bôei Leviathan | 20132013zettai-boei-leviathan 2013 |
blade and soul 2014 Blade and Soul | blade soul 2014 Blade & Soul | 20142014blade-and-soul 2014 |
akiba s trip the animation 2017 Akiba's Trip the Animation | akiba s trip the animation 2017 Akiba's Trip the Animation | 20172017akiba-trip-the-animation 2017 |
conception 2018 Conception | conception 2018 Conception | 20182018conception 2018 |
kakuriyo no yadomeshi 2018 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi | kakuriyo no yadomeshi 2018 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi | 20182018kakuriyo-yadomeshi 2018 |
saint seiya saintia sh 2018 Saint Seiya - Saintia Shô | saint seiya saintia sh 2018 Saint Seiya - Saintia Shô | 20182018saint-seiya-saintia 2018 |
uch senkan tiramisu 2018 Uchû Senkan Tiramisu | uch senkan tiramisu 2018 Uchû Senkan Tiramisu | 20182018uch-senkan-tiramisu 2018 |
uch senkan tiramisu 2018 Uchû Senkan Tiramisu | uch senkan tiramisu 2018 Uchû Senkan Tiramisu | 20182018uch-senkan-tiramisu 2018 |
hinomaru zumo 2018 Hinomaru Zumô | hinomaru zumo 2018 Hinomaru Zumô | 20182100hinomaru-zumo 2018 - En cours |
7seeds 2019 7Seeds | 7seeds 2019 7Seeds | 201920197seeds 2019 |
phantasy star online 2 episode oracle 2019 Phantasy Star Online 2 - Episode Oracle | phantasy star online 2 episode oracle 2019 Phantasy Star Online 2 - Episode Oracle | 20192100phantasy-star-online-episode-oracle 2019 - En cours |
try knights 2019 Try Knights | try knights 2019 Try Knights | 20192100try-knights 2019 - En cours |