Anime & manga
Maho Takahashi
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Titre original | Titre français | Années | Fonction |
tokko 2006 Tokko | tokko Tokko | 20062006tokko 2006 | Direction artistique |
pumpkin scissors 2006 Pumpkin Scissors | pumpkin scissors Pumpkin Scissors | 20062007pumpkin-scissors 2006 - 2007 | Direction artistique |
bamboo blade 2007 Bamboo Blade | bamboo blade Bamboo Blade | 20072008bamboo-blade 2007 - 2008 | Direction artistique |
cobra the animation time drive 2009 Cobra The Animation - Time Drive | cobra the animation time drive Cobra The Animation - Time Drive | 20092009cobra-the-animation-time-drive 2009 | Direction artistique |
amagami ss 2010 Amagami SS | amagami ss Amagami SS | 20102010amagami 2010 | Direction artistique |
tegami bachi reverse 2010 Tegami Bachi Reverse | letter bee reverse Letter Bee Reverse | 20102011tegami-bachi-reverse 2010 - 2011 | Direction artistique |
pretty rhythm aurora dream 2011 Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream | pretty rhythm aurora dream Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream | 20112011pretty-rhythm-aurora-dream 2011 | Direction artistique |
koi to senkyo to chocolate 2012 Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate | koi to senkyo to chocolate Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate | 20122012koi-senkyo-chocolate 2012 | Direction artistique |
amagami ss 2012 Amagami SS+ | amagami ss plus Amagami SS Plus | 20122012amagami 2012 | Direction artistique |
dansai bunri no crime edge 2013 Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge | dansai bunri no crime edge Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge | 20132013dansai-bunri-crime-edge 2013 | Direction artistique |
kotora san 2013 Kotôra-san | kotora san Kotôra-san | 20132013kotora-san 2013 | Direction artistique |
nobunagun 2014 Nobunagun | nobunagun Nobunagun | 20142014nobunagun 2014 | Direction artistique |
gate jieitai kanochi nite kaku tatakaeri 2015 Gate Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri | gate Gate | 20152015gate-jieitai-kanochi-nite-kaku-tatakaeri 2015 | Direction artistique |
kantai collection kan colle 2015 Kantai Collection - Kan Colle | kantai collection kan colle Kantai Collection - Kan Colle | 20152015kantai-collection-kan-colle 2015 | Direction artistique |
isuca 2015 Isuca | isuca Isuca | 20152015isuca 2015 | Direction artistique |